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Getting started

To use the VectSharp library, you will need to install one of the VectSharp “output layers”. Each of these packages produces images in different formats and can be useful in different situations. See Choosing the output layer for more information to help you choose the right output layer for your needs.

For simplicity, most of these tutorials will all use the VectSharp.SVG output layer. You can install it using your favourite NuGet package manager.

You do not need to manually install the VectSharp package, because it will be included automatically as a dependency when you install VectSharp.SVG. However, if you wish, you can also install this package.

To follow these tutorials, you should create a new .NET console app project using your favourite IDE, and install the NuGet packages in this project. You can then use the code examples provided in these pages to get an idea of how VectSharp works. Do not be afraid to experiment with different values for the various parameters that will be used!