VectSharp 2.6.1
A light library for C# vector graphics
This is the complete list of members for VectSharp.GraphicsPath, including all inherited members.
AddPath(GraphicsPath path) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
AddSmoothSpline(params Point[] points) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
AddText(double originX, double originY, string text, Font font, TextBaselines textBaseline=TextBaselines.Top) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
AddText(Point origin, string text, Font font, TextBaselines textBaseline=TextBaselines.Top) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
AddTextOnPath(GraphicsPath path, string text, Font font, double reference=0, TextAnchors anchor=TextAnchors.Left, TextBaselines textBaseline=TextBaselines.Top) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
AddTextUnderline(Point origin, string text, Font font, TextBaselines textBaseline=TextBaselines.Top) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Arc(Point center, double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Arc(double centerX, double centerY, double radius, double startAngle, double endAngle) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Close() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
ContainsPoint(Point point, FillRule fillRule) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
CubicBezierTo(Point control1, Point control2, Point endPoint) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
CubicBezierTo(double control1X, double control1Y, double control2X, double control2Y, double endPointX, double endPointY) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Discretise(double resolution) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
EllipticalArc(double radiusX, double radiusY, double axisAngle, bool largeArc, bool sweepClockwise, Point endPoint) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Flatten(double flatness) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetBounds() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetFigures() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetLinearisationPointsNormals(double resolution) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetNormalAtAbsolute(double length) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetNormalAtRelative(double position) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetPointAtAbsolute(double length) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetPointAtRelative(double position) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetPoints() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetStroke(double lineWidth=1, LineCaps lineCap=LineCaps.Butt, LineJoins lineJoin=LineJoins.Miter) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetTangentAtAbsolute(double length) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
GetTangentAtRelative(double position) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Linearise(double resolution) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
LineTo(Point p) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
LineTo(double x, double y) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
MeasureLength() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
MoveTo(Point p) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
MoveTo(double x, double y) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
QuadraticBezierTo(Point control, Point endPoint) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
QuadraticBezierTo(double controlX, double controlY, double endPointX, double endPointY) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Reverse() | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Segments | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Transform(Func< Point, Point > transformationFunction) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath | |
Triangulate(double resolution, bool clockwise) | VectSharp.GraphicsPath |