This function reads a file containing one or more trees in Newick-with-Attributes (NWKA) format.

  file = "",
  text = NULL,
  tree.names = NULL,
  keep.multi = FALSE,
  debug = FALSE



A file name.


A variable of mode character containing the tree(s) to parse. By default, this is set to NULL and ignored (i.e. the tree is read from the file specified by the file argument); otherwise, the file argument is ignored and the trees are read from the text argument.


A vector of mode character containing names for the trees that are read from the file; if NULL (the default), the trees will be named as "tree1", "tree2", ...


If TRUE, this function will return an object of class "multiPhylo" even when the tree file contains only a single tree. Defaults to FALSE, which means that if the file contains a single tree, an object of class "phylo" is returned.


A logical value indicating whether to enable verbose debug output while parsing the tree. If this is TRUE, the function will print information about each node in the tree as it parses it.


An object of class "phylo" or "multiPhylo", compatible with the ape package.

In addition to the elements described in the documentation for the read.tree function of the ape package, a "phylo" object produced by this function will also have the following components:


A named list of attributes for the tips of the tree. Each element of this list is a vector of mode character or numeric (depending on the attribute).


A named list of attributes for the internal nodes of the tree. Each element of this list is a vector of mode character or numeric (depending on the attribute).


The Newick-with-Attributes format parsed by this function is backwards compatible with the Newick/New Hampshire format and some of its extensions (e.g. Extended Newick, New Hampshire X).

Node attributes (e.g. support values, rates, ages...) are parsed by this function and returned in the tip.attributes and node.attributes elements of the returned "phylo" objects. If the nodes contain a prob attribute, its value will also be copied to the Support attribute.

Attribute names may appear in any kind of casing (e.g. Name, name or NAME), but they should be treated using case-insensitive comparisons.

Setting the debug argument to TRUE can be useful when analysing malformed trees (to understand at which point in the tree the problem lies).


See also

ape, read.tree

Other functions to read trees: read_binary_trees(), read_nwka_nexus(), read_one_binary_tree()


# Parse a tree string # Topology from tree <- read_nwka_tree(text="(((('Homo sapiens'[rank=species])'Homo'[rank=genus]) 'Hominina'[rank=subtribe],(('Pan paniscus'[rank=species],'Pan troglodytes' [rank=species])'Pan'[rank=genus])'Panina'[rank=subtribe])'Hominini'[rank=tribe], (('Gorilla gorilla'[rank=species],'Gorilla beringei'[rank=species])'Gorilla' [rank=genus])'Gorillini'[rank=tribe])'Homininae'[rank=subfamily];") # Show the tree's structure str(tree)
#> List of 6 #> $ Nnode : int 8 #> $ tip.label : chr [1:5] "Homo sapiens" "Pan paniscus" "Pan troglodytes" "Gorilla gorilla" ... #> $ tip.attributes :List of 2 #> ..$ Name: chr [1:5] "Homo sapiens" "Pan paniscus" "Pan troglodytes" "Gorilla gorilla" ... #> ..$ rank: chr [1:5] "species" "species" "species" "species" ... #> $ node.attributes:List of 2 #> ..$ Name: chr [1:8] "Homininae" "Hominini" "Hominina" "Homo" ... #> ..$ rank: chr [1:8] "subfamily" "tribe" "subtribe" "genus" ... #> $ edge : int [1:12, 1:2] 6 7 8 9 7 10 11 11 6 12 ... #> $ node.label : chr [1:8] "Homininae" "Hominini" "Hominina" "Homo" ... #> - attr(*, "class")= chr "phylo" #> - attr(*, "order")= chr "cladewise"
# Plot the tree with node labels ape::plot.phylo(tree, show.node.label = TRUE, node.depth = 2)
# Add taxonomic rank (stored in the "rank" attribute of the tree) tree$tip.label = paste(tree$tip.attributes$rank, tree$tip.attributes$Name, sep="\n") tree$node.label = paste(tree$node.attributes$rank, tree$node.attributes$Name, sep="\n") # Plot again ape::plot.phylo(tree, show.node.label = TRUE, node.depth = 2, y.lim=c(0.5, 5.5))